This study was carried out to examine an empirical study on the effect of unemployment on Nigeria crime rate among unemployed male and female in Oredo East local government, Edo State. Specifically the study aims at highlighting, crime rates in Nigeria, investigate the reasons for increase in unemployment in Nigeria, determine if creating job opportunities can be used as a tool to minimize crime rate. A total of 150 responses were validated from the survey. From the responses obtained and analysed, the findings revealed that crime rates in Nigeria is on the high rise as teeming youth keeps graduating from the university year in year out without no assurance of getting employed, further more, the loss of jobs by those who already have once been employed increase crime rate in Nigeria, the reasons for increase in unemployment in Nigeria can not be fetched as the undiversification of Nigeria economy has not made creation of job opportunities be opened for unemployed Nigerians, creating job opportunities can be used as a tool to minimize crime rate. This is as the Pearson correlation test showed a positive significant relationship (.922**) between unemployment and crime rate. The study recommend that, Nigeria’s government must include the formulation of policies and laws that could help improve the economic and social wellbeing of its citizens and deter criminality. There is a need to increase job opportunities through small enterprises and poverty alleviation schemes. Economic growth in Nigeria is not the only solution to curb unemployment as the official statistics illustrate that previous unemployment did not decline economic growth. Other solutions such as the provision of right skills to youth should be given an importance. The feeling of deprivation produce frustration and could be expressed through aggression. Therefore if factors that are responsible for youth unemployment in Nigeria are addressed, crimes rate will be reduced.
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